If you would like to link an external merchant account, contact our team at organizers@thepointofsale.com.
After logging into Events Manager, go to the Finance module and click Merchant Accounts. Click Add Merchant Account at the top right of the page.
Under Processor, choose Bambora.
Log in to your Bambora account via their platform.
You will need two pieces of information for the integration: your Merchant ID number & an API Access Pass Code.
Merchant ID. Your merchant number is displayed at all times in the top right corner of your Member Area when you are logged in Bambora.
You can also find this information by clicking "Administration" and "Company Info".
API Access Passcode. Select "Administration", then "Account Settings" and then "Order Settings".
Under "Payment Gateway" you will eventually see "API access passcode". Click on "Generate New Code".
Back in Events Manager, complete both sections (Merchant ID & API Access Pass Code). Indicate which name will be displayed on your customers' credit card statement and choose whether you want this account to be used for all your events or not.
Before you leave, click Save.
If you have questions about a Bambora account creation or for any information directly related to your merchand account, please contact Bambora.