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How to Put a Video on Demand Online?
How to Put a Video on Demand Online?

How to upload your VOD events.

Geneviève Bélanger avatar
Written by Geneviève Bélanger
Updated over 3 years ago

First of all, to put a video on demand on our platform, you must use Vimeo PRO, Business, or Premium.

The following procedure is to embed a video on our viewing page. It is not necessarily the only way to have videos on-demand online on our platform. However, this is the recommended way by to ensure you benefit from our secure services.

From your Vimeo account:

1- Click on New Video.

2- Drag and drop your video file at the location seen in the screenshot below:

3- Under Privacy, choose from the scrolling menu the option Hide this video from Vimeo. This ensures that an individual cannot take and share your streaming link.

4- Enter the relevant information regarding your event and click on Save. Then, once the video is fully uploaded, Edit settings will appear. Please click on it.

5- On the following page (which is your event's page on Vimeo), click on the General tab from the left menu, then on Privacy.

6- Under Privacy, determine where the video can be embedded. To do so, go to the question Where can this be embedded? and select Specific domains. In the section below, add and click on the + sign. Then, add and click the + sign again.

** It is important to enter both domains!**

**If you chose the white label service, do not forget to add your broadcast domain as well.**

This step ensures that an individual cannot "steal" your video to add it to another website (to make it accessible to several individuals who have not purchased a pass). Only the people with a (or link will be able to access your event.

6.1 - We recommend selecting the following parameters under Controls (Playbar, Volume, Fullscreen) and deselect everything else. These are the options that optimize the customer's experience.

7- Copy the link found above the Preview window.

Hide the number of participants

By default, Vimeo displays the number of participants watching a video. If you would like to hide this information, you need to do a quick modification to your account's parameters.

  1. Go to your Vimeo's account Settings.

  2. In the Settings menu, click on Videos, then on Upload defaults.

  3. Under the Video preferences section, check the box Hide video stats and viewer count on the video page and in search results.

  4. Click on the Save button.

Once completed, this manipulation will apply to all events within your account.

From your account :

8- Back in the event management tool, select your event in My Events and paste the link you have just copied under Video Link.

9- Under Viewing option, choose Embed video on the secured viewing page.

10- Still under the Location section, decide :

  • Display attendee count. If this option is selected, a counter will appear in your video's left corner, indicating how many people are watching your video. Most organizers offering VODs prefer to remove this option.

  • Display live chat at entry time. This option will add the chat area to your event. Displaying this allows your viewers to interact with other viewers. However, different users will not watch the video simultaneously, so there is a strong possibility that the chat can reveal spoilers. Most VODs prefer to remove this option for this reason.

  • Time of video display. This option establishes the moment when the video is displayed on the viewing page.

  • Page Expiry. Very important for VSD! The page expiry options set the video's availability period. You can decide to calculate the page's expiry time by choosing within the following options:

    1. [Determined amount of time] after the planned event start time

    2. [Determined amount of time] after the planned event end time

    3. [Determined amount of time] after ticket issuance

  • Page Expiry. Please also note the expiry date and hour is displayed in the streaming link email sent to the attendees.

  • Maximum numbers of plays. This option limits the number of views per person and reduces the chances of sharing their link with their entourage.

If a client attempts to view the event after the allowed viewing period or has reached its maximum number of plays, the client will see this message by clicking on its link.

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