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White Label - E-Ticket

Details and examples of the elements required to set up a white label on our e-ticket.

Geneviève Bélanger avatar
Written by Geneviève Bélanger
Updated over 2 months ago

By activating the white label service on your e-tickets, you can add your logo, change the accent colour, and modify the colours and logos displayed in Apple Wallet and Google Wallet.

To apply the white label to your e-tickets, you must first send the following items to our advisor's team, who will configure everything for you.

Graphic elements required:

  • HEX code of :

    • the primary colour to apply;

    • the background colour for Apple Wallet;

    • the value colour for Apple Wallet;

    • the label colour for Apple Wallet.

  • Icon :

    • For Apple Wallet in PNG or JPG. (87 X 87 px)

  • Logo :

    • in SVG format, no specific size;

    • for printable version in SVG format, no specific size required;

    • for downloadable version in PNG or JPG format (720 X 90 px);

    • for Google Wallet in PNG or JPG format (660 X 660 px);

    • for l’Apple Wallet in PNG or JPG format (480 X 150 px).

Look at the white label examples below to see the possibilities offered to you.

Comparison of default and white label e-tickets:

By Default

White Label

Ticket’s printable version:

Ticket’s downloadable version :

Google Wallet’s version :

Apple Wallet’s version :

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