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External Box Office: External Payment

Complete an order using external payment. Taking payment outside of

Geneviève Têtu avatar
Written by Geneviève Têtu
Updated over 4 months ago


Simply selecting an external payment method does not constitute a payment. Be sure to complete the payment outside of’s platform.

External payment will be useful if you use a payment terminal other than the one offered by or any other payment method.

Make a sale

  1. Make a sale in the external box office according to the participant’s preferences.

    By clicking on the Place Order button, you will be redirected to the external box office’s payment page.

  2. Select the payment method in the External Payment section.

  3. Click Submit to complete the order.

  4. A confirmation message will appear on the screen.


On the confirmation page, you can choose whether to print the tickets, labels, or receipts based on your needs.

If you do not need to do this, click Finish. You will be returned to the external box office's home screen, where you can conduct another transaction.


If you did not enter the buyer’s email address during the purchase process and the buyer would like to receive their receipt by email, click Send by email.

  1. A window will open, and you can enter the participant’s email address.

  2. A purchase confirmation will be sent to the buyer by clicking Send, and the following message will appear on the screen.

**If you have entered the email in the buyer’s information section before placing the order, a confirmation email will be sent automatically, and the Send by email button will not be displayed.

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