First of all, you need to make sure the Seat Map for your venue as been created.
2. Create your event as though you were creating a general admission event, until you reach the “Rates” tab.
3. In the “Rates” tab, under the minimum and maximum quantities, you will see a label that says “Seating Assignment”. You may now choose “Reserved Seating”.
4. In the “Reserved Seating” tab, select the categories that you would like to make available for each rate. You may select more than one category per rate.
5. Unselected seats will not be made available for purchase. You may add seats at any time during the sale of tickets. By doing so, you will modify your total capacity. Seats that have been purchased will appear in yellow and available seats will appear in dark red. The light red seats are those that are not available for purchase.
6. Click on “Save”.
7. Continue to fill out the tabs for your event as usual.
You will need to use our External Box office to sell tickets with reserved seats.