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Rates Tab - Restrictions

Create rates with required passwords or secret web address, exclusive sale for Facebook, preselected email addresses, private URL rates.

Julie Lebel avatar
Written by Julie Lebel
Updated over a week ago



You can add as many passwords as you like for the same type of ticket, and you can also limit the maximum quantity of tickets available for each password. The passwords suggested by our system can be modified, allowing you to identify the people who made the sale. For example, if you give password XYZ to a reseller and 20 buyers use this same password, you will know that the sales were stimulated by this reseller. 

On the customer side, on the page of your event, they will see a small padlock with a field to enter their password.

How to import passwords

You can quickly import several different passwords and apply them to one or more of your rates.

First, you must complete a .csv file with two columns: the first one (A) named code and the second (B) named nb_use. The first column must include all your passwords. The second must contain the maximum number of tickets allowed for each password.

Here is an example of the formatting requirements:

Once the file is complete and saved in .csv format, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the rates tab of your event ;

  2. Select the Password restriction and click on the Settings link of this option;

3. Click on the Import button that appears in the pop-up;

4. If you have already completed and saved your file in .csv format, click on Choose file, then Save. First, make sure that your file complies with the written notice.

5. If you have not completed a .csv file, click on Download template, then fill in the Code column with your passwords to be imported, and the nb_use column with the maximum number of tickets allowed for each password ;

6. Once your .csv file is saved, you can finish the import as described in step 4;

7. Once your passwords have been added, you can close the window by clicking the Save button.

Secret URL

The ticket rate will only be accessible through this secret web address, which you may include in an email newsletter, for example. The rate will not appear in the purchase window, shopping cart, or on

You can now display several prices under the same secret URL. Here's how to do it:

  1. If you check the option for more than one rate in the same event, click on the Settings link:

  2. Via the drop-down menu of the Share URL with, choose the rate with which you wish to share the same secret URL.

You can create several secret URL that will display the different rates you've selected, or you can always use the same URL for all rates with the secret URL option checked.

Email Addresses

Would you like to offer a special rate to members of a club or employees of a certain company? By choosing the “Email Addresses” option, it is possible to do so. Only people that have an email address belonging to the same domain may purchase a ticket at this special rate. For example, only those who have emails ending in “” may purchase these particular tickets.  Others will get the following error message :

Do you have several possible email addresses that all end with the same value? (Ex.,, All you need to do is enter * (asterisk) followed by the value which does not change. In the previous example, it would be " *"

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