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Embed a shopping cart, a pruchase window, and your identifier for Wordpress.

Geneviève Têtu avatar
Written by Geneviève Têtu
Updated over a week ago

Embed a thepointofsale purchase window (widget) or shpping cart directly to your website. People will then be able to purchase their tickets without leaving your website. 


Language. Select a language for the widget.
Note: Buyers will have the option of selecting the language of their choice.

Full Width. Select the width of the purchase window to be embedded to your website. 

Fluid Height. Select this option if you would like for the purchase window's height to adjust to the user’s screen type, for example, a cell phone or tablet screen. Highly recommended by our team.

Color. Choose the color of the buttons so that it matches your website’s design. 

Scheme. Choose Light or Dark.


The codes to embed are on the right side of the page. Insert the code into the "body" of your website.

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