IMPORTANT: Be sure to click on the Associate objects button as soon as that button appears. Otherwise, you will have to find the order in the Archives module to associate the object with it. If this step is not completed, the item pass cannot be validated at the entrance of your event.
Associating an object is done once the transaction is completed. A new icon will appear on the confirmation page as soon as an object is to be associated with the order.
Once the order is completed, click on Associate objects
A new page appears. Place the cursor in the field and scan the object code. The way of associating the code with the order depends on the type of object you have (QR code reader, RFID reader). You can also enter the code manually.
Click on Associate. A green check mark will appear to indicate that the object is associated.
Click on Finish. You will be returned to the previous page, where you can print the remaining tickets in the order, along with a purchase receipt, if needed.