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How to Make a Sale Using the External Box Office?
How to Make a Sale Using the External Box Office?

Sell tickets offline for general admission and with a seating plan.

Julie Lebel avatar
Written by Julie Lebel
Updated over 4 months ago

Selling tickets with the external box office is simplified and more intuitive.

Add item to cart

  1. Click on the event for which you wish to sell a ticket.

  2. Choose the customer's desired rate by clicking the purple + to add it to the cart. You can add several different rates or the same rate several times by clicking on the + again.

  3. Each time you add a product, it is added to the Order section at the right side of the page. The quantity, unit cost and grand total can also be adjusted.

Specify the order information

  1. Click on the product you added to the cart in the Order section of the page.

  2. On the page that opens, you will be able to:

  • Increase or decrease the quantity of passes;

  • Choose the delivery method;

  • Complete the custom questions required at the time of purchase (required fields have a red star);

  • Issue complimentary tickets;

  • Apply a promotion;

  • Choose reserved seats (if your event uses a seating plan).

3. Click Submit once everything is applied.

IMPORTANT! If your event uses a seating plan, you can change the reserved seats using the seating plan by clicking on this logo:

Selecting the new seats first and then removing the old ones is essential.

If you remove the old seats first, you will be redirected to the box office’s event rates page, as there will no longer be any tickets in your cart.

Fill in the required information

When the notice “Information are required for this rate” appears, you must fill in the attendees’ details before proceeding to the next step.

This is the additional information (custom questions) you checked off in the Form tab of your event in the management tool.

  1. Click on the note to fill in the required information.

  2. In the window that opens, fill in the mandatory fields in the Attendees information section.

  3. Once the questions are correctly filled out, the red x will change to a green check mark to confirm the entry.

  4. Click Submit at the bottom of the page to return to the external box office’s event page.

Fill out the buyer’s information (optional)

  1. Click the Buyer Information button above the event added to your shopping cart.

  2. Fill in the requested fields.

  3. Click on Submit. You will then be redirected to the previous page.

N.B. If you have chosen the E-ticket delivery option, enter the buyer's email address here.

Place the order

When all the information is entered or if no participant information needs to be filled in, the Place Order button will become clickable (dark purple), and you can proceed to the next step.

Note: If the participant's information is incomplete, you cannot continue the purchase process. The button will remain greyed out.

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