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Q : How to Claim a Refund ?
Stéphanie Dufour avatar
Written by Stéphanie Dufour
Updated over a week ago

You can't attend your event, and you would like to claim a refund? Please check the information below before contacting our support team.


Make sure to have on hand your transaction number (order). You will need it for any request sent to our support team.

1.Visit the event's website and verify whether the event you bought your tickets for is still displayed. If need be, verify the Refund Policies within the Event Details section. You will find this section at the bottom of the purchase page.

2. If the event you bought your tickets for is cancelled, you do not need to claim a refund. The reimbursement will be done automatically within the next 30 days following the reception of the cancellation email.

3. If the event you bought your tickets for is postponed or reprogrammed, an email will be sent your way and include the details regarding the refund policies.

4. If you tried all the previous steps and still can't find information about ticket refunds, please contact our support team by email.

In your email, explain the reason for the refund claim and your transaction number (order).

Afterwards, we will contact the event organizer and confirm whether a refund is possible or denied.

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